Wednesday, April 8, 2009

I CAN...

I CAN...that has become my motto for this time in my life. Almost a year and a half ago, I was sitting in a Sunday service at church watching a video about Swaziland and the new missions project that my church was going to start. While watching the pictures of orphans and widows roll by and hearing the statistics about the AIDS crisis in Swaziland (with the highest AIDS infection rate in the world at as much as 43%), I silently prayed "God, I can do something about this". I didn't really know at that moment what I would end up doing, the possibilities of what I could do were endless...pray, give money, travel to Swaziland, etc.

Today, I am two weeks away from flying to Swaziland for a 3 month missions trip and four months away from beginning graduate school to study molecular biology and biochemistry with the goal of working towards a cure/treatment for AIDS. I feel like I just strapped myself into a roller coaster and heard the first clicks of the cars moving forward...that moment when your stomach is turning with fear and excitement and you know that there is no turning back.

The other week, a friend of mine was introducing me to someone, sharing these plans of mine, and the response she got was "So I guess she's your slacker friend". She was being sarcastic, of course, but her comment kind of humbled me. I am not trying to be overambicious or a go-getter, I am just trying to follow the path that God has placed in front of me. When I say "I can", I know that what I really mean is "God can through me". God has invited me to get on a huge, fast, crazy roller coaster and I jumped on. My heart might start racing and my bottom might lift off the seat...shoot, the coaster might even get stuck upside down for a while...but I know that I can rest assured that I am safe, He is in control, and He will keep me on the track.

This is my journey...what's yours? As I have pondered the phrase "I can..." I have wanted to spread it and encourage others in it. What is God asking you to do? What roller coaster has he invited you on? Know that YOU CAN do whatever He asks of you and puts on your heart. Imagine what would happen if we each began to believe that we can do it, we can make a difference, and we can change the world...we would see it happen!

I hope you can join me these next few months while I travel half way around the globe and get my world turned completely upside down. Like with those first clicks of the roller coaster I am both excited and nervous, but the ride is always better when you get to take it with friends!

1 comment:

  1. Julie~
    You are an amazing woman of God and I am honored to be your friend.
    I join you in prayer as you continue to venture out and see how God "can" use you.
    May our Lord and Savior richly bless you and direct your steps as you serve the kingdom of God. I am excited to read about your experiences in Swaziland.
