Monday, April 13, 2009

The weight of a nation...

I have never felt so incapable of doing something as I did last Thursday night. While at a worship time at a friend's house, everyone gathered around and prayed for me and my trip to Swaziland. The sense I got during that time was one of utter humility before God knowing that whatever He wants to do in Swaziland and in me, I am not worthy or capable of doing it myself. As my new motto, "I can...", ran through my head, I felt the weight of a nation upon my shoulders. I want so badly to be able to communicate to the children, the widows, the people I meet that they can do whatever they dream of with God. God, give me the wisdom, the words, the heart, the patience, and Your love!

Two scriptures came to my mind during that prayer time:
'Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit,' says the LORD Almighty. - Zecharia 4:6
Be strong and very courageous. - Joshua 1:7

To bring hope, to bring life, to bring love - to shine Christ.

PS 10 days until take off!

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