Monday, May 4, 2009

Welcome to Swaziland!

Greetings from Swaziland! I have only been in the country for a week, and already I feel like home. The people here at Hawane Farm and Hawane CLC are absolutely beautiful and I have enjoyed starting to meet them all. As my first week ends, I think that my greatest accomplishment is that I can put a name to all but about 5 faces here. With so many children and names so different from what I am used to, this has actually been a task. Some of the younger children do not speak much English, so I have also learned some basic Siswati words that I can use while playing such as sit, stand, run, and stop. Hopefully my grasp of the language will increase as I continue to build relationships with the children and mothers, and as I begin to go out into the community to do outreach.

To answer some of the questions you may have about where I am in Swaziland:

Place - I am staying in the Hospice on Hawane Farm with the nurse here. It is a very nice place, though like all of the homes here there is no insulation so it will begin to get quite cold soon. I have my own room with a bed, table, nightstand, and wardrobe. When I step out my front door I can see the tunnels where they are growing vegetables and the mountains in the distance. It reminds me of being on a campground in Tennessee, just less trees.

Temperature - Honestly, I don't know what the temperature has been but during the day it has been absolutely perfect...not too warm, sun shinging and maybe a slight breeze. It gets colder at night but you don't need more than a long sleeve shirt or sweatshirt. If I had to guess, I would say it is in the 70's in the day and maybe the 50's or 60's at night. It is coming into winter here in the southern hemisphere so it will just get colder from here.

Food - There really isn't a "Swazi" food other than pap, which I haven't had yet. I have eaten the same food here that I would at home so no big change there.

All in all, I haven't had any culture shock nor have I felt like I have had to have much of a transition. I have just had a wonderful time playing with the children and beginning math lessons. Since the kids are on holiday from school, I am doing one hour math lessons during the day to help them practice and prepare for school to start again. It has been a lot of fun and I think the kids have enjoyed it too.

One thing that God has spoken to me while I have been here is through Moses birth in Exodus chapter 2. Moses had a great purpose for his life, and God protected him by bringing him into Pharaoh’s house to grow. God reminded me that the children here at Hawane each have a great purpose for their lives also, and He has brought them here to protect them and let them grow into the men and women of God He has planned. What a blessing it is to be a part of the destiny of each of these children!

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