Monday, May 11, 2009

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother’s Day! Yesterday I was blessed to celebrate Mother’s Day at Hawane Farm. It was such a wonderful day as we honored the moms. The moms had come together last week to plan a celebration after church with a big meal and some games. Unfortunately, things didn’t go as planned and instead of eating at 1:00pm, we were all cooking until after 3:00pm. Nobody was fussed about the extra work and it was so fun to stand around a table with the moms pulling the cooked chicken off the bone. I also learned more SiSwati - ngelankile, which means “I am hungry”. When the food was ready, all of the families from Hawane Farm and Hawane CLC enjoyed the meal on the grass together. The moms were then honored as a child from each house told why they appreciate their mom and then gave them a rose. The best part of the day though was when the children gathered around their moms and prayed for them.

The moms here at Hawane are absolutely amazing and deserve all of the recognition that they got yesterday. They are taking care of precious children who need all of the love and caring they can get. The moms work hard and do not often get thanks Please remember to pray for the mothers of Hawane, that God would bless them with strength, wisdom, peace, and love.

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