Wednesday, May 27, 2009

A Prayer

Lord, give me wisdom. Let me be Your light and Your love to the hurting and hopeless. May my smile, my handshake, my hug, my touch bring life and comfort. Bring Your Word, Your Truth, Your Wisdom, Your Love to the people of Hawane. In You they will not only have life, they will have it more abundantly. In You they will have hope and love. As they love You, they will learn to love the people around them, helping one another and working together. Show them what a blessing it is to give, and as they begin to give bless them abundantly. Renew their minds, through Your Spirit, that they may see the world through eyes that know victory and richness in You. May You be their God, and they Your people. Let them shout from the mountain tops “Jesus is Lord!” Thank You that You desire to know the people here more than I desire for them to know You. You hear their cries and their prayers, and Your ear turns towards them. You see them, You know them, and You love them. Christ, You died for them and You are worthy to receive the reward of Your sacrifice…their lives. Be glorified in me, in these people, and in this place!!

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