Thursday, July 23, 2009

The Past Couple of Weeks...A Blur

So I got to sleep in today, which was nice and made even nicer by the fact that I am currenlty in Worcester on the Western Cape in South Africa and the sun doesn't pop it's head over the mountains until almost 8:00am. What a lovely change from the 6am of Swaziland! Remarkably, it is now 5:45pm and the sun is still shining bright!!! I was beginning to forget that the sun could stay out past 5pm. What an amazing thing!

These past weeks have been a blur. It seems like everything has just gone in full speed now that I have no time left, so I just wanted to give you a bit of the highlights:

July 10-12 - Kruger National Park
The biggest game park in South Africa, and the most densely populated with animals in all of Africa, or so I am told. Chris, Allie, Alexis, and I embarked on an adventure to see the Big 5 (lion, leopard, rhino, elephant, and water buffalo) but in the end we only saw 3 of them (no visuals of cats sadly enough). We did enjoy the thrill of our lives flashing before our eyes during encounters with an elephant, baboon, hornbill, and hippo. Pictures will come when I can upload unlimited amounts!

July 17-18 - Last Youth Overnight at Potter's Wheel
It was our last youth overnight while I am here, and it was a sad to say goodbye. I was able to share during the message time and just encouraged the youth to analyze their relationship with God to see if they had one or they were living off their parents' faith, and if they have one to follow Him. After the message, we gave the kids some time to sit quietly and pray. It was really a great time as we, as leaders, were able to pray with some of the kids and they even prayed for each other! What a wonderful way to end our time together!

July 21 - Christmas in July at Hawane
Before I left, I wanted to make sure I had one last fun time with everybody at Hawane so I planned a Christmas in July movie night. The kids had the next day off of school, so it was a perfect night to get together and watch a fun movie. Between Sunday and Monday nights and all day Tuesday, I managed to bake over 550 cookies and three trays of peppermint bark...a Christmas sugar feast!!! Everyone got an array of sweets, some hot chocolate, and we settled in at Hawane CLC to watch my favorite Christmas movie ever: Elf! It was great to hear the kids and adults laugh and just enjoy one last night with my family here in Swaziland, all 90 or so people!!!!

So, that brings us to today and me in Worcester. Tomorrow we are off to Cape Town, a rugby game, Table mountain, the ocean, and Hillsong Cape Town. Should be a blast!!!

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