Friday, June 26, 2009

Together With Us

It is so cool the way God speaks to us and confirms things in our hearts. Last week I wrote about my inability to do all that I could dream here and the need for the people of Hawane CLC to go and reach their community. This week at church the pastor briefly mentioned Hebrews 11 and confirmed what I had written.

Hebrews 11 is often referred to as the faith chapter as it begins with a definition of faith and continues with descriptions of the faith of those that have come before. At the end, we are told that they didn’t receive what they had been promised, but God had something better:
These were all commended for their faith, yet none of them received what had been promised. God had planned something better for us so that only together with us would they be made perfect. (Hebrews 11:39-40)

Only together WITH US would they be made perfect!!! How amazing! Life is a story, not just of our own individual lives but all of our lives intertwined from the beginning of time. The great lives of faith that have gone before us are connected to us, because only together with us are they made perfect; and the same our lives are connected to those that come after us, because only together with them will we be made perfect!

As I am working here in southern Africa, I am honored to think that my meager work here is connected to the work of missionaries of the past such as David Livingstone. I am also greatly encouraged to know that even though I won’t see the things that God puts in my heart for this place, I will be made perfect through the work of those that come after me.

God has big plans for Swaziland, and He will use all that are willing to bring them about so that we can all fellowship in the joy of His Glory!!!

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